SymKey Eligibility Module

Trusted IntelliRPA® automation can save you time and increases accuracy. Assign your SymKey® robots to complete repetitive manual Eligibility updates.

Key Features

Change the Current Health Plan Benefit Option

SymKey can use the utility on page 4 to change the current health plan benefit option for existing members.

Change the Current PCP

SymKey can use the utility on page 4 to change the current PCP provider for existing members.

Add Members

SymKey can add new members, including these fields:

  • Member ID
  • Health Plan Code, Benefit Option, Effective From Date and Employer Group
  • PCP Provider ID and Effective From Date
  • PCF Provider ID and Effective From Date
  • Last, First and Middle Name
  • Gender
  • Birth Date and Birth Sequence
  • Contract Type
  • Member Status
  • Language Code
  • Additional Insurance: Other Coverage, Responsibility Code, and Policy
  • User Defined Fields (UDFs)
  • Memo Lines
  • Member Notes
  • One or more Contact records: Type, Address, Phone Numbers, Email Addresses, Effective From Date and flags

Update Demographics

SymKey can update these member demographic fields on existing members:

  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Birth Sequence
  • Contract Type
  • Member Status
  • Language Code
  • Additional Insurance: Other Coverage, Responsibility Code, and Policy

Add Contacts (Addresses/Phone Numbers)

SymKey can add new contact records, including:

  • Addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Email addresses
  • Effective dates (from and to date)
  • Setting the default address

Add Member Notes

SymKey can add one or more notes to a member.

Update Memo Lines

SymKey can update any of the four Memo lines

Update User Defined Fields

SymKey can update all 100 User Defined Fields (UDFs)

Wayne Johnson

Asst. VP, Product Client Development and Sales


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