Broadening the Definition of Value in Value-Based Medicine

The healthcare industry needs to broaden the definition of value in value-based medicine. By expanding our view, we’ll discover new and better methods of compensation that incentivize efficiency in medical practice and enhance relationship-based care. Most value-based compensation has been built around clinical outcomes and this is appropriate, but we should also add incentives for […]

Quality Care Achieved through Process Improvement

The healthcare industry has struggled to define and attain quality for the past 25 years because its focus has been on results instead of process improvement. Just as teachers that are incentivized by their class’ test scores have shifted their focus to teaching the test instead of truly educating their students, CMS’ Star Ratings have […]

How to Turn Value-Based Care into a Positive Economic Opportunity

We have heard many Healthcare CFOs voice their concern that CMS will pay them less for services rendered under government health plans due to the new value-based payment models. This knee-jerk reaction to Value-Based Care is not surprising, as the model is very similar to what was attempted in the 1990s around Integrated Delivery Systems/Networks […]

The 4 Cornerstones of Developing a Value-Based Care Model

The new Value-Based Care Model is no different than what the industry was attempting to accomplish in the 1990s with Integrated Delivery Network Managed Care. It’s been 25 years and we still have data integration, referrals and authorization problems across the healthcare delivery continuum. It’s time for payers and providers to work together! The 4 […]

Data Integration is Critical to a Value-Based Transformation

As the healthcare industry begins to transform to the new Value-Based model, there is now much greater emphasis on quality patient care. The effort by current health plans, health systems, and providers to deliver quality patient care based on current available data is difficult at best and is almost impossible to directly measure in terms […]

Today’s Conflicting Perspectives in Defining Value-Based Healthcare

In order to address the concept of value in health care, it is important to address a fundamental purpose and mission of health care. Health care is the relationship between a physician and a patient in order to achieve patient wellness. – Bill Bysinger, 2016 If this is the mission, then the objectives should be […]

How to Achieve Value-Based Healthcare Transformation

HCIM’s Strategic Consulting mission is to collaborate with healthcare organizations in developing and executing a Value-Based Care Transformation Plan. We utilize a continuous process improvement model and an architectural approach based on medical expense management, appropriate revenue optimization, and administrative cost containment. HCIM’s Value-Based Care Transformation Methodology: Assist with defining a vision for your organization’s […]