Authorizations Module

Automate addition, modification, and updates of authorizations to increase speed and accuracy with lower cost.


Update Auth Header

SymKey can modify any of the following from the Authorization Detail Line on an existing record:

Authorization Status Codes

Authorization Action Dates

Member Information

Provider and Vendor IDs

Service Types and Units

And Most Other Codes

Update Other Auth Fields

Risk-Free Trial

We understand that implementing new technology can be daunting. That’s why we offer a flexible opt-out option. If SymKey doesn’t meet your expectations, opting out is hassle-free. However, we’re confident that our solution’s speed, accuracy, and ROI will deliver rapid results.

Update Auth Detail

SymKey can change the values of most detail line fields, including:

Service Type

Service Code and Procedure Grouping

NDC Code


Requested and Authorized Quantities

Adjustment and Final Adjustment Codes

And other codes and values

Learn more about what SymKey
can do for you.

Example Scenarios

Auto-Approve Auth

SymKey can update the Authorization status to Approved, ideal for direct referrals that don’t require prior authorization.

UM Delegation Routing

SymKey can update the Auth status and add denial language to a note to quickly route the authorization to the appropriate UM team for final review.

Extend Auth Dates

SymKey can extend authorizations by updating their expiration dates

Add an Auth

SymKey can enter an authorization record from scratch or utilize the Copy Header function. For example, it can enter a companion professional authorization to accompany a facility authorization or reissue an expired authorization.

Modify an Auth

SymKey can add a detail line with a down-coded service code, such as a lower level of care.

Add Additional Auth Lines

SymKey can add additional detail lines, such as adding X-rays and follow-up to an Orthopedic consult or follow-up visits to a Home Health evaluation.

From The Blog

Medicare Advantage Key Updates

Important 2026 Updates for Medicare Advantage: Enhanced Provider Directories and Streamlined Prior Authorization The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) are set to implement new regulations for Medicare Advantage

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