The Need for Transparency in Medical Costs
My healthcare career began in 1991 at a small HMO that was quickly purchased by Blue Cross. Over the years, I witnessed the changes in offerings from traditional Commercial plans to HMOs, PPOs, EPOs, etc. Looking back over my 26 years in the industry, I see how complicated healthcare coverage has become. As we struggle […]
Goodbye Obamacare – Where Do We Go from Here?
We’re on the brink of seeing significant shifts in health care with the Republican repeal of the Affordable Care Act. I’m hopeful that we will see wisdom and thoughtfulness in the replacement, but there are fundamental challenges that need to be brought to light as this process goes forward. Health insurance as a for-profit business […]
What’s Broken in Health Care Blog Series
Health care is one of the few things in life that affects all parts of our lives, including our physical, mental, emotional, and financial well-being. People tend to point fingers and complain about what’s broken in health care, but we should instead be collaborating to find solutions for these problems. It may seem futile when […]
Transformation from Volume to Value
The industry is responding very slowly to the move to Value-Based Care. Instead of taking steps to move forward with a new model of care delivery and creative payment models, everyone is waiting for the next CMS edict or decision from Congress. The industry should be examining the inefficiencies in the current system, determining how […]
Broadening the Definition of Value in Value-Based Medicine
The healthcare industry needs to broaden the definition of value in value-based medicine. By expanding our view, we’ll discover new and better methods of compensation that incentivize efficiency in medical practice and enhance relationship-based care. Most value-based compensation has been built around clinical outcomes and this is appropriate, but we should also add incentives for […]
Quality Care Achieved through Process Improvement
The healthcare industry has struggled to define and attain quality for the past 25 years because its focus has been on results instead of process improvement. Just as teachers that are incentivized by their class’ test scores have shifted their focus to teaching the test instead of truly educating their students, CMS’ Star Ratings have […]
Congratulations to Michael Wilson!
We are proud to announce that Michael Wilson, President and CEO of HealthCare Information Management, Inc. has just been elected to the WEDI (Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange) Board of Directors. This is a two-year term beginning January 1, 2017 and he will serve as a Board Director representing Vendor Organizations. As a Board Director, Michael […]
Michael Wilson Outlines the Data Integration Challenge in Healthcare Tech Outlook Magazine
HCIM President and CEO Michael Wilson provided his insight into the challenge of healthcare data integration in a Healthcare Tech Outlook Magazine article entitled “The New Health Information Integration Challenge – Opportunity or Obstacle?” He explains how healthcare technology companies must find a way to connect payers and providers in an efficient and affordable manner in order […]
HCIM Recognized by CIOReview as one of the 20 Most Promising Productivity Solution Providers in 2016
HealthCare Information Management, Inc. (HCIM) announced today that it has been named one of CIOReview’s 20 Most Promising Productivity Solution Providers for 2016. This honor was bestowed to only 20 organizations across all industries in the United States. “Applying innovation and technological expertise, HCIM has developed robotic claims automation solutions that augment their clients’ existing […]
How to Turn Value-Based Care into a Positive Economic Opportunity
We have heard many Healthcare CFOs voice their concern that CMS will pay them less for services rendered under government health plans due to the new value-based payment models. This knee-jerk reaction to Value-Based Care is not surprising, as the model is very similar to what was attempted in the 1990s around Integrated Delivery Systems/Networks […]