Scaling New Heights: The Strategic Advantage of Additional SymKey Robots

Additional SymKey Robots

When faced with increasing claims volumes or special projects like large-scale reprocessing, many healthcare payers look to traditional solutions such as hiring more staff or mandating overtime for existing staff. Both options come with drawbacks; hiring can be a lengthy process along with significant training investment. Even temporary help requires training and supervision that often […]

CEO Insight: Healthcare Trends to Watch

The healthcare payer landscape changes almost daily and it can be hard to see the forest through the proverbial trees. It’s easy to get focused on the day to day and miss important trends that may have significant impact down the road. As we look to the future, it’s important to keep these key trends […]

Southern California MSO using AI to increase claims processing productivity

While many businesses are still looking for ways to harness new technology, Southern California Physicians Managed Care Services (SCPMCS) has been leveraging artificial intelligence to increase the productivity of their claims team since 2009. Using HCIM’s SymKey® solution, SCPMCS has been able to automate both routine and on-the-fly claims processing workflows for the past nine […]

The Business of Bots: The SymKey® Effect

HCIM has been in the business of bots for over 15 years, operating exclusively in the healthcare claims industry. Our passion has always been to optimize processes through Robotic Artificial Intelligence. SymKey® automates manual repetitive claim actions while at the same time thoughtfully applying business rules and ensuring quality claim payment. Clients enjoy the fast turnaround times, […]

There’s No Shortage of AI Specialists Here

A recent Ernst & Young study revealed that a shortage of artificial intelligence experts is impeding the ability of companies to adopt the technology. In fact, over half of the executives surveyed claimed the lack of available talent prevented them from integrating AI into their business operations. This directly impacts their competitive advantage in streamlining […]

Healthcare Executives Use AI to Reduce Administrative Burden

According to the following MCOL infographic, 23% of the healthcare executives that were surveyed stated that the greatest opportunity provided by Artificial Intelligence (AI) is that it reduces their administrative burden. SymKey® clients have been using AI to automate their healthcare claims processing since 2002. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) allows payers to process more claims […]

Are You Still Processing Claims by Hand?

Processing your claims manually is like washing laundry by hand. Sure, it works. But why would you do it manually when you can use a machine to do the same work both faster and more accurately? SymKey® can handle your boring, mundane work, because I’m sure you have better things to do! Just load your […]

Clients Love Using SymKey to Increase their Auto-Adjudication

We all know that SymKey® users love how their robotic claims automation tool increases their productivity, improves turnaround times, and reduces errors.  We firmly believe that no claims department should be without SymKey®. But when’s the last time you bought something without reading customer reviews? Listen to what our clients have to say: “SymKey’s an asset to […]

2017 is the Year of the Bot!

There’s a strong movement in the corporate world to leverage artificial intelligence and automate workflow decisions. This strategy increases accuracy and lowers the cost of operations, which in turn frees up these companies to further innovate. With the overwhelming pressure for organizations to streamline and be more efficient, robotic process automation will emerge as the […]