HCIM Attends 2012 EZ-CAP UCON as Inaugural Platinum Sponsor

HCIM was MZI HealthCare’s first EZ-CAP User Conference (UCON) Platinum Sponsor at the April 30 – May 1, 2012 UCON in Newport Beach, Calif. HCIM was invited to present educational sessions on both 5010 and ICD-10 to the EZ-CAP client base. Both sessions were very well attended and led to lively discussions about recent CMS announcements. The colorful “Uno de Mayo” evening event was co-sponsored by MZI and HCIM. UCON attendees commented that this was a very valuable conference and found the EZ-CAP 6.x sessions to be very beneficial. Congratulations to Amy Wagner from Physicians United Plan, who won an Amazon Kindle Fire in HCIM’s business card raffle.