HCIM CEO Quoted in Article about the Benefits of ICD-10

HCIM President & CEO, Michael Wilson, was recently interviewed for “The Benefits of ICD-10 to Medical Practices” article written by Shelly K. Schwartz and published in Physicians Practice:

For all the doomsday predictions surrounding ICD-10, it’s easy to forget that the complex new coding system slated to go live next year is designed to deliver, wait for it, benefits to all levels of the healthcare system — physicians included. Indeed, the much-maligned ICD-10 diagnostic and procedure codes will pave the way for more accurate payment of new procedures, better administrative performance, and improved patient care, says Michael Wilson, chief executive of Healthcare Information Management (HCIM), a healthcare software and consulting firm in Walnut Creek, Calif.

“It will allow for more granular coding, so, as we move toward electronic records being shared with other caregivers, we’re going to start getting a clearer picture of what works best for successful patient outcomes,” says Wilson. “It will also have a financial benefit to physicians by allowing them to bill for more complex treatments when dealing with high-risk, sicker patients.

Click here to read the full article.