ICD-10 Next Steps – Where do we go from here?

ICD-10 has the potential to revolutionize the nation’s healthcare system and will provide many benefits to the healthcare industry. However, implementation will provide plenty of challenges. In HCIM and AXIOM Systems’ summer 2011 ICD-10 Educational Webinar Series, we explained what ICD-10 entails, potential impacts for you to examine, and insights from others in the industry that have been through the implementation.

After the webinar series, many of the attendees asked where to go from here. In November 2011, HCIM and AXIOM Systems offered a one-hour follow-up informational webinar to discuss possible next steps and address some of the biggest challenges that EZ-CAP users may be facing in assessing the ICD-10 impacts to their organizations. We answered questions asked during the ICD-10 webinar series, including:

  • How can I quickly complete my impact assessment to get the information I need to budget and plan for ICD-10?
  • I’ve completed my impact assessment and now I’m stuck. What are the next steps?
  • How do I determine the specific impact to my high volume/high cost code sets?
  • How do I perform modeling to predict expectations of impact and determine what financial neutrality means to me?
  • What is the best strategy for data conversion? Should I use a cross-walk?
  • How do I prepare early to meet the unique challenge of ICD-10 testing?
  • Where can I find resources and processes to best execute resource intensive activities such as testing and outreach to providers and trading partners?
  • What metrics do I need to ensure implementation doesn’t disrupt my business?
  • What capabilities, solutions, and tools do you offer to accelerate ICD-10 implementation?

For the answers to all these questions and more, complete the form on the sidebar and we will send you a recording of the webinar and a copy of the presentation.

Visit HCIM’s Download Center for the most recent ICD-10 webinar series recordings and presentation PDFs, in addition to other valuable ICD-10 implementation resources.