SymKey® for Plexis Claims Manager™

SymKey® for Plexis Claims Manager (PCM) was released on May 1, 2012, and will be demonstrated via webinar in August 2012 and at the upcoming Plexis 2012 User Conference, Sept. 9-12. Ashland, Oregon-based Plexis Healthcare Systems (Plexis) has partnered with HCIM to identify potential SymKey® for PCM pilot sites. Together, HCIM and Plexis surveyed a large number of PCM clients about their interest in workflow automation within the PCM system. Congratulations to Kemba Brooks from the Beacon Insurance Company Limited, who won the iPad from HCIM and the Keyfolio from Plexis for participating in the survey.

Survey Results

The survey showed that many respondents were keenly interested in learning how they can achieve greater operational efficiency through the automation provided by SymKey®. As a result, many of the survey respondents are pursuing engagements with HCIM to further explore use of SymKey® in their environment.

About SymKey® for PCM

SymKey’s powerful automation technology performs a predefined series of actions on hundreds of claims per batch within PCM. SymKey® can touch and edit/modify virtually any PCM Professional claim header and detail field. The SymKey® application is a feature-rich and user friendly front-end office solution that is designed for the efficient and automated processing of claims through the utilization of advanced business rules. With configuration designed for flexibility and ease of use, clients can freely tailor the product to fit complex, ever-evolving business structures.

Complex issues that once required manual processing, such as individualized contractual business rules and scenarios, retro rate reconciliation, eligibility review, and customized manual claims processing workarounds can all be automated within the SymKey® application. SymKey® also features comprehensive batch and historical reporting.

Why SymKey®?

SymKey® automates routine daily claims operations to make organizations more productive and allows them to contain operational costs, reduce turnaround times, improve efficiency and accuracy, and bridge system functionality gaps. SymKey® clients have seen processing speeds in excess of 5–8 times what their current claims processors can manually process. HCIM’s tiered SymKey® pricing allows organizations of all sizes to grow their business, meet industry mandates, maintain quality standards without hiring additional resources, and give their operational staff more time to focus on more complex tasks.

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