Tips & Tricks: Simple Switches to Improve Your Bottom Line

The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay is expected to save between $5,000 and $10,000 every year by changing their default e-mail font. Read more >> Switch your Font Research has found that switching from Arial to Century Gothic for printing will result in a 31% ink savings. How much could you save by switching the font […]

FAQ: How do I view batch report information for an entire month?

Answer: From the left side of the SymKey main menu, click the Productivity Reports link in the Reports section. SymKey’s productivity reports are an aggregate of your daily batches, viewable by month, year, or pend reasons, depending on which report you select. The reports allow you to quickly view performance data, claims processed, and most importantly your return […]

Components of ICD-10

ICD–10 consists of: tabular lists containing cause-of-death titles and codes (Volume 1) inclusion and exclusion terms for cause-of-death titles (Volume 1) description, guidelines, and coding rules (Volume 2) an alphabetical index to diseases and nature of injury, external causes of injury, table of drugs and chemicals (Volume 3) ICD–10 Chapter Headings: Chapter 1: Certain Infectious […]

FAQ: What happens if SymKey stops in the middle of my batch? Can it be restarted?

Answer: SymKey® can be interrupted in the middle of a batch for a number of reasons, either by the user pausing the batch or by network issues creating a communication error between it and EZ-CAP®. It can be restarted very easily. When an interruption occurs, providing that you are still logged into SymKey, a message […]

FAQ: Why can’t I see the SymKey configuration options?

Answer: There are three security levels that determine what the user has access to: The User role has access to SymKey’s modules in order to run batches and view reports and documentation. The Admin role has the ability to change much of the configuration in SymKey, including configuring users, passwords, and database connection management. The Developer […]

What is the difference between ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS?

ICD–10–CM Diagnosis Codes The CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) developed the ICD–10–CM code set, following a voluntary consensus-based process and working closely with specialty societies to ensure clinical utility and subject matter expert input into the process of creating the clinical modifications, with comments from a number of prominent specialty groups and organizations […]

SymKey for EZ-CAP v. 1.31 General Release

HealthCare Information Management, Inc. (HCIM) is pleased to announce the general release of SymKey® for EZ-CAP® version 1.31, effective April 7, 2010. Many enhancements have been made to SymKey® for EZ-CAP® v. 1.30, including two new advanced standard scenario actions, a new scenario summary feature, and more. For a comprehensive list of enhancements and software […]

FAQ: Why do I receive an error when importing a batch file?

Answer: If you receive an error when SymKey is attempting to import a batch file, there is most likely an error in the format of the file. When SymKey imports batch files, it invokes error-checking logic that validates whether or not the batch file has the required or correct information for the selected batch. For […]