Free ICD-10 Implementation Tools

Don’t lose sight of the ICD-10 deadline! October 1, 2013 is closer than you think…

Did you know?

You should have already completed ICD-10 impact assessment, risk analysis, and mitigation planning. If you haven’t, you’re in good company – industry surveys indicate that the majority of healthcare payers are behind on their ICD-10 implementation.

Myth Buster

Many people still believe that the new ICD-10 CM and PCS code set transition from ICD-9-CM will simply involve one-to-one mapping, but it will also require one-to-many general equivalency mappings (GEMs). This will require analysis, system reconfiguration, and thorough staff training. ICD-10 Myth Buster: Is the ICD-10 implementation really just a simple code mapping effort?

Free ICD-10 Implementation Tools

HCIM recommends using these free tools to meet the ICD-10 compliance deadline:

Conduct a Preliminary Assessment

Determine if you’re on track for a timely implementation and prioritize upcoming tasks with the AHIMA ICD-10-CM/PCS Readiness Assessment and Prioritization Tool.

Adopt a Comprehensive Project Plan

Utilize NCHICA and WEDI’s free ICD-10 project plan, available in Microsoft® Project and PDF format.

Stay on Track

Gauge your progress on both the ICD-10 and HIPAA EDI standards implementations with NCHICA and WEDI’s ICD-10 and HIPAA X12 benchmarks.

Turn the complexity of the ICD-10 requirements into simplified solutions.

Whether you’ve already begun your assessment or still don’t know where to start, HCIM is your ICD-10 resource for guidance and support. For your next steps, contact HCIM Client Services at or complete the contact form located on the sidebar.