HIPAA Transition from 4010A to 5010 – Part 2 of 3

Why the change from 4010A to 5010? Key issues for adapting HIPAA 5010 rules are: To accommodate ICD-10 coding. 4010 technology is outdated. It has been in use for five years and was written three years prior to that. Many of the situational and required rules did not fit health care industry practices. This is especially […]

Choose the Experts for your EZ-CAP Benefits Matrix Configuration

While attending the March 2010 EZ-CAP Western Regional User Group (WRUG) conference, I was surprised to hear vendors publically apologize to their clients for delays in benefits matrix configuration, due to a lack of practical experience with the EZ-CAP benefits matrix. I’ve always believed that clients should not have to pay outside consultants to train on […]

HIPAA Transition from 4010A to 5010 – Part 1 of 3

What is HIPAA? HIPAA, which stands for the American Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, is a set of rules to be followed by doctors, hospitals and other health care providers. HIPAA took effect on April 14, 2006. HIPAA helps ensure that all medical records, medical billing, and patient accounts meet certain consistent […]

Successful Joint ikaSystems Implementation/MC400 History Conversion Project

HCIM and IBA Healthcare Consultants, Inc. teamed up to bring a new client live with ikaSystems in only 60 days, which included converting the client’s historical data from a legacy MC400 system. This joint implementation effort successfully created over 1,300 benefit plans, migrated over 2,000 providers along with their related contracts, and migrated multiple years […]

What will the ICD-10 transition involve?

Timeline The implementation date for ICD-10 is October 1, 2013, and applies to all encounters and discharges occurring on or after that date. According to data from AHIMMS, one entity cannot force another entity to be compliant prior to the said date, although testing will require a great deal of communication between providers, suppliers, and […]

Don’t miss out on Business Process Automation Opportunities

I recently visited one of our current SymKey® for EZ-CAP® clients in the Midwest. We met with our client’s COO for a couple of hours on a Monday morning. She shared with us the exciting activities and long term strategies that their organization has been working on in their efforts of continuous improvement and striving to bring […]

SCPMCS licenses SymKey for EZ-CAP Hospital Claims Module

Southern California Physicians Managed Care Services (SCPMCS) signed an addendum to their existing SymKey for EZ-CAP Professional Claims module three-year licensing agreement to add the SymKey for EZ-CAP Hospital Claims module, effective June 1, 2010.

Tips & Tricks: Reducing Workplace Headaches

Do members of your team have to print everything to avoid getting headaches from reading off their monitor? Here are a few simple ideas to reduce headaches, improve efficiency, and cut back on printing costs. 20-20-20 Rule Every 20 minutes, look away from your screen at an object roughly 20 feet away, and keep your […]

05/26/2010: Successful SymKey Go Live at MedPOINT Management

HCIM’s newest client, MedPOINT Management, signed a three-year licensing agreement for the SymKey® for EZ-CAP® Professional Claims module and Virtual Auto-Post™ module in February 2010. MedPOINT went live on the SymKey Professional Claims module and Virtual Auto-Post module in March and April, respectively.