FAQ: What is the proper source file format/layout for Professional and Hospital Claims batches?
Answer: The standard format for a SymKey input file is .txt or .csv. Most of the files that SymKey uses to perform batches only contain claim numbers; a text file works the best for these types of batches. Other batches require more information, such as claim detail line numbers or a claim auth in addition […]
Industry Trend to Reduce Operating Costs and Gain Operational Efficiencies
During the first part of this new year, we have experienced increased inquiries and requests for product demos of our SymKey® product solution. In fact, we licensed one new SymKey® for EZ-CAP® client last month and are currently working on licensing arrangements with two prospective new clients. I believe this increased interest is due to […]
FAQ: Why does SymKey download data from EZ-CAP every time I log in?
Answer: SymKey downloads data from EZ-CAP (Adjustment Codes, Procedure Codes, Providers/Vendors, Place of Service) when you log in so the data it lists in scenario options will be up to date when a SymKey module is opened. Also, since databases can have different information from one to the next, the downloaded data will refresh when switching between EZ-CAP databases […]
Why has the U.S. decided to move from ICD-9 to ICD-10?
Key issues in adopting ICD-10- CM are:
• ICD-9 is 30 years old and is outdated.
• ICD-9 is running out of spaces for new codes. Codes added in recent years are in the wrong chapters because the correct chapters were full, with nowhere to add new codes.
• ICD-9 codes cannot reflect current and evolving medical technologies.
• The current codes are limited in their descriptions. New codes will allow for a greater level of detail, including etiology, manifestation, and laterality.
• ICD-9 does not provide the increased level of detail needed for emerging needs like biosurveillance and competitive purchasing. […]
FAQ: Where do source files go after the batch is completed?
When SymKey completes a batch, it does two things to the source file – it appends the front of the file with the batch number and, regardless of the source location, it moves the file to SymKey’s complete folder located at C:SymKeyFilesComplete. For example, an input file named “TestBatchFile.txt” for batch 1200 would be renamed “1200_TestBatchFile.txt” before […]
FAQ: Where can I locate source batch files?
Answer: When you create your source batch files, either through Crystal Reports, Microsoft Access, or SQL, you should save them in a place that SymKey has access to, whether it be a network drive, local folder, or the default source batch file folder (C:SymKeyFilesSource). When you click the Browse button in any of the SymKey […]
FAQ: Does SymKey generate the list of claims for the claims batch?
Answer: The answer depends on the kind of batch you’re running. SymKey can generate a list of claims that are considered hard duplicates and can be denied with the SymKey Professional and Hospital Claims modules. Other scenarios available in the Professional, Hospital, and Batch Processing modules require input files created from outside SymKey. Some applications […]
FAQ: Why don’t I have access to one of the SymKey claims modules (Professional, Hospital, Virtual Auto-Post, or Batch Processing)?
Answer: SymKey® modules are activated/deactivated based on a licensing agreement between HCIM and your company. If you require access to a module that is not available, your licensing file must be updated and a new licensing agreement signed. If you see that a module that used to be active is now unavailable, the terms of […]
What is ICD-10?
The 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases consists of:
• a tabular list containing cause of death titles and codes
• inclusion and exclusion terms for cause of death titles
• an alphabetical index to diseases and nature of injury, external causes of injury, table of drugs, and chemicals
• descriptions, guidelines, and coding rules
ICD-10 has two components:
The History of ICD-10
The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is the international standard diagnostic classification for all general epidemiological purposes, many health management purposes, and for clinical use. This includes the analysis of the general health situation of population groups, as well as monitoring the incidence and prevalence of diseases and other health problems in relation to other […]